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Bohato - Bornholmsk mojito

Bohato - Bornholm mojito

If you are on Bornholm over the summer, you must come and taste the original, which we make with sea buckthorn slushie and chocolate mint. When we have 'Drinks in the countryside' on Friday afternoon.

And until it is possible, you can try to make your own here.

Bohato - Bornholm mojito

  • 4-5 cl. light room, e.g. Pisco, Quebranta
  • 4-5 cl. sweet sea buckthorn juice
  • Mint, preferably chocolate mint, but any mint will do, for lack of better.
  • Water or sparkling water
  • Lots of ice cream

  1. Chop the mint a little and mash it well together with the juice and rum.
  2. Fill the glass with plenty of ice and top with water or sparkling water to taste.